Saturday, January 28, 2012

Oil Field, Work, Ford F150 Pickup, Hydraulic Fracturing, Flow Back

This is my second home, my mobile office.  It is a 2011 Ford F150 that Power Fuels bought for me.

This is Haliburton rigged up for a frac.  This was a Whiting well location.  You really need to see it in person to appreciate the magnitude of this operation.

This is a flowback temporary flare set up by Colter Energy.  Flowback is when they get the water, sand and oil that is in the hole back up to the surface after the Hydraulic Fracturing procedure is finished.

This is the same flare as in the above photo. 

This is a permanent flare pit at a Whiting well north of Belfield, ND.  It was the record holder for oil production in the state for awhile.

It was about 20 below zero this day, the sun made this "halo" in the air.  It's not just a camera effect.

Being on the road you see some crazy natural things.

Here is a competitors fresh water truck hauling "dirty" flowback fluid.  We have standards, a lot of other companies don't.

Coming home one night recently.