Sunday, January 29, 2012

New Project, 1933-34 Ford, Pickup, Hot Rod

So I found this 1933 Ford 1.5 ton farm truck in a field next to a road that I used to get to a couple Hess Flowbacks.

Luckily, the owner had a "Posted" sign on the corner  of the property with his name and phone number.

I called the guy and we struck a deal on the price.

I think the flathead is probably no good, we'll see.

This thing is huge, it looked much smaller when it was sunk into the ground and the weeds.

I found this 1934 Ford frame on The Hamb, it's a website that is for old cars.  The frame is in Glasgow, MT.

This is why I am keeping this truck and building it, usually I would have flipped it and made a few hundred bucks.  When I saw what it could look like I was hooked like a crack addict.

This is a picture my sister Tiffany took after I got it unloaded at home.